I have spent the last three months plotting and planning my first novel. If you have read my past posts, you will know that my original first draft—draft zero—was a mess. From go to whoa, I had pantsed it. In the end, I discovered that pantsing was not for me. I actually prefer to plot and plan. In fact, being a plotter has helped me become a more confident writer.
By the time you read this article, I would've started re-writing my first draft. From the original draft, only the protagonist has survived. I do love her and I wanted to write a story that was worthy of her.
I know that all writing is never wasted. Every moment putting words on paper, helps you to grow as a writer and refine your craft.
In celebration of the start of a fresh, new, better draft, I have decided to list down inspirational quotes. Each of these quotes reflects every stage of the writing journey.
These quotes are some of my favourites. I hope they become your favourites too.
To Be a Writer
Inspiration and Ideas
Plotting and Planning
The First Draft
Revising and Editing
The Reader
The Writer
Image courtesy of Mikechie Esparagoza Pexels.com